Data Defender

Data is now the most valuable asset of any organization, but it is also exposed to considerable internal risks: suspicious employees, negative business events, and unintentional accidents can all compromise data security. This can lead to potentially severe consequences, such as the loss of sensitive data, breaches of confidentiality, loss of customer trust, regulatory penalties, and disruption of business operations.

In the face of increasing internal or external data leaks, Data Defender will help you prevent and mitigate these breaches, thereby strengthening the security of your sensitive data and preserving the trust of your stakeholders.

Why is this important?

Today, it is essential to understand the nature of the data circulating within your organization, classify it according to its level of sensitivity, and implement appropriate protection measures to ensure the safety and confidentiality of this critical data.

Our Data Defender offering is based on Microsoft 365 Data Loss Prevention (DLP), Microsoft 365 Information Protection, Microsoft 365 Insider Risk Management, and Microsoft 365 Communication Compliance services.

Our support allows you to:

Data Security

Implement advanced protection measures such as encryption, access management, and threat detection.

Recommendations and Best Practices

Establish and follow recommendations and best practices for data security, based on industry standards and lessons learned from past incidents.

Prevent Threats

Raise employee awareness about data security and take measures to prevent data leaks.

Improve Transparency

Monitor data-related activities in real-time and generate regular reports and audits.

To learn more